Sunday, February 14, 2010

Suspended from 2nd grade

The big surprise is that I got suspended. I have been volunteering with Adam since 1st grade. I think it helps me more than him. I am able to follow the program material and learn what is expected of Adam. Everything went really well until a couple weeks ago. I got called into the principal’s office. I know principal well because I have been helping at the school for a while. She said there were a couple of complaints with the "male volunteer". So the next week when I volunteered I went with the assistant principle. It went well. I learned a couple of things, but no big modifications. The next week went fine. Then this week I brought some snacks, some variety pack from Sam's Club. Emily had mentioned that the teacher had told everyone that she was stopping snacks, but since I already bought the snacks I went ahead and brought them. When I got to Adam's class the teacher reaffirmed that I should bring the snacks home. I set them aside, but when snack time came the kids saw that I had brought some snacks and wanted the CheeseIts from my pack, so I got them out. At that point I really didn't want to take the snacks home. You probably already guessed the rest. I went to one of the students as discreetly as possible, that is obviously one of the less fortunate kids, and asked him if he liked them and wanted the snacks so I filled his back pack with the rest of the snacks.

Emily got a call from the principle to tell me not to volunteer again until she spoke with me. She called me and asked me what my story was with the snacks. She kindly listened then explained that I stress the teacher out. We then decided that the easiest and most obvious solution is for me to stop volunteering. She said I could try again in 3rd grade. I have been suspended for the rest of the year.

The good news is that Adam is doing great. It will take me some time to get over it. I have really enjoyed being in Adam's class.

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