Sunday, February 14, 2010


It all started when the sensor light for the coolant on the car went on. It said "low coolant level". I filled it 3 times over a couple days before we decided to ask Mike, Emily's brother, about it. As soon as Emily and Mike went out to check it out they noticed that the sensor wire had been chewed on along with the fire wall and almost got some other wires. There was also rat droppings and urine marks throughout the engine. Mike fixed the wire in minutes and we went home to catch the rat. Emily's mom had also heard scrapping noises in our attic the week before when we were on our cruise.

We set the trap exactly where we parked our car in the garage as soon as the kids went to bed. We heard the trap snap before we fell asleep, like 30 minutes later. I went out to the garage to check it out and saw the rat in the trap spinning/running in circles. I was worried I was going to have to step on it if it started to run off. Luckily it died quickly.

The next day I had the kids help me throw it in the garbage. Adam didn't want too much to do with it, but Ethan and Ella were very intrested. Ethan even helped me put it in a bag and throw it away in the garbage can. We set another trap the next night, but missed it. We set it again the very next night and caught it, but the trap barely snatched him by the nose so it was a lot bloodier. Ethan again was interested in the process.

The next day was Monday. Emily called me at work and wouldn't stop calling until I picked up. She asked me what to do because Ethan had taken one of the dead rats out of the garbage and out of the bag to play with it. We have no clue how long he was playing with it and may have never known if Adam had not come inside complaining that Ethan was 'getting him with the rat'. This may have been one of those moments that I wish my kids were immunized!

We set the trap a couple more times, but no more rats. We did have a rat a couple of years ago that we caught in our garage with a Fig Nuttn'. The funny story about that one was with me. I went out to light the BBQ holding Ethan. When I opened the lid a rat was in there. It ran away from me, but it ran right into the contoured lid and flew back at us. Emily came out and asked me why I was screaming like a little girl. We caught that garden eating fat rat quick!

Well, back to the Ethan and the rat. The next saturday I went up in the attic to look for their nest, other rats or babies. There was a distinct trail through the blown insulation where they ran. I found there nest easily, but thankfully there were no babaies or other rats. I sealed off all the holes I could find with expanding foam (nasty, but effective stuff).
I am sure I will have another rat story in the years to come.........

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