Sunday, March 14, 2010

My First 1/2 Marathon

This was me and Paul Grube before the race.

This is me with one of my patients, Don!

I finished my first 1/2 Marathon yesterday! It was the 6 Tunnels Race. We ran through historic tunnels used by the trains that help build the Hoover Dam. I am so glad that I was able to finish the race. It was a VERY scenic run.
Most of my training has been swimming and running. I have a goal to finish a marathon too, but I just haven't had the training time in the last couple years. I look forward to completing my first marathon in the next couple years.

The race started off well. I knew I had to pace myself and try to negative split the race. What made this easy was that it was a double 'out and back'. We ran out and back from the start/finish 6.1 miles in one direction and another 7 miles out and back in the opposite direction. The first half was pretty much uphill with a headwind on the way out and downhill on the way back. I paced it well and relaxed. The second half was uphill with a cross wind. I thought I was going to lose my visor a couple times. This is where all the tunnels were except one man made bridge tunnel at the start. The trail was a little narrow at a couple points too with some nice drop offs. I was trying to make a move on people this part of the race, which in retrospect was probably a little too early. At about mile 10 the 'rollers' started. WOW! They were steep and went on for far too long. Then at the turn around was a steep incline. I seriously considered walking it! Whatever hope I had to finish strong was gone! I did survive and then started the last 3-4 miles back down through the tunnels. It was very good for me to finish downhill. I pushed as hard as I could, which was interesting. I was tired, in pain and tight. I tried to catch the guy in front of me with no success. In fact, I got passed by two people the last couple miles, one that I had passed earlier. I try to think of my boys cheering me on and see how much pain I can handle and run as fast as I can. I used to run with Adam and Ethan in a jogger and they would always tell me to go faster. I love that and try to use it all the time!

My final time was 1:34:43. My goal was to finish under 1:40. My next goal will have to be a millisecond faster than Sherry's PR! Look out Sherry! Here I come! I am not sure when my next 1/2 will be, but I'll try to pick a really fast one! Hopefully Sherry can do it with me and whoever else I can get to do it with me! Kathy? Kami? My next race is Rage Triathlon April 17th. I need to start biking hard to get ready. The weather has been kind of crazy this spring so I have enjoyed sleeping in.

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