Friday, March 5, 2010

Hellfire and Damnation (part 1)

We had a lot of fun activities planned during Philmont. Thanks dad! You are the master planner. We got to use donkeys or asses (Equus asinus, a female is a Jenny and a male is a Jack). We were obviously looking for the meanest, ugliest and toughest jackasses we could find! The people in charge told us that they just found two of their more wild asses, Hellfire and Damnation, that had been roaming. When we heard this we knew which asses we wanted. They turned out to be a lot of fun!!
The 2nd and third pictures are not Jennies, but they did have a particular liking to Trent and Todd.
The 4th picture has Hellfire and Damnation. George is holding Hellfire and I am holding Damnation.

1 comment:

  1. You looked awefully happy holding onto Damnation! LOL.. I love these posts!
